Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mr. Fish Taco

Mr. Fish Taco, originally uploaded by detritus.

A note about the standard of living in Mexico.

I'm sure some of you have been to Mexico before, or somewhere like Mexico perhaps. For the gringos who vacation there it is an endless surf, sunny beaches, gorgeous water, sea shells, good food, tide pools, and stunning sunsets. We stay in houses that are amazingly nice, with views that can't be beat. The Mexican people are very hospitable and it is a very relaxing vacation that almost can't be beat.

However, for the people of Mexico, this is a life reserved for the gringos, and not a lifestyle they share. Please be prepared and perhaps prepare your children depending on their ages that there is also extreme poverty. Small children selling chicklet gum is the norm. The first few times I went the poverty that you sometimes encounter is a bit jarring. There is a massive disparity once you cross that invisible line at the border that is simple amazing.

Don't misunderstand, it's beautiful and you get used to the way things are in a way - but you should be a little prepared.

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